Sunday, May 12, 2013

Renewed Journey

I was just looking at my last post in December with a sense of nostalgia. A few days after that post, I gave birth to my first child. The labor and delivery experience was very different from what I had anticipated, and I experienced a complication at the end of the delivery (not with the baby- she was healthy, thank goodness). As a result, and perhaps from other factors such as hormones, I ended up with a mild case of postpartum depression. Over the past few months, I've focused on healing and on taking care of the baby, and now that I'm stronger and happier, I've decided to rejoin the journey of creativity that I started several years ago.

To that end, I've recommitted to my blog and to documenting ideas and inspiration I receive along my life's path. If I can help even one person feel more revitalized, I will be a happy blogger!

What I'm reading now:

I'm also working with the Yogalosophy DVD. I've been sporadically practicing yoga for ten years and decided I wanted to become more focused in my practice. I am proud of myself for practicing yoga every day this week! It's good to start small; right now, I've committed to 10-15 minutes of yoga each day and will increase that increment every few weeks. I like the book because of Ingber's positive attitude and motivational ideas, plus the yoga poses and diet ideas help with achieving my health goal. Right now I'm working on chapter 2, which has to do with setting intentions.

To be honest, I bought this book about four years ago, and it's been languishing on my to-be-read list. However, after reading Ingber's recommendation about creating a vision board, I decided to revisit the book. I am a little skeptical about the bestseller series The Secret, which this book is linked with, because of its emphasis on material possessions. However, I am giving this book a chance and am currently learning about creating a personal mission statement.
Extra: Type "the vision board" into the Google Images search engine, and you'll find hundreds of examples of different vision boards.
Extra: You can create an online board board at O Dream Board. It's free, though you will have to sign up for an account.

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